Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Fuckin' Christmas Bitches!

Because the remnants of Christmas shopping, gift wrapping and general stuff wore the fuck out of me, I'm doing this meme from Katie's blog:

1. What's your favorite holiday movie?

Scrooged. Bill Murray is hysterical and it's a holiday movie where I don't feel like I'm going to die of a sugar overdose.

2. What's your favorite holiday song (title and artist)?

I think it's Christmas Time is Here from the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. It's nice and jazzy and very simple. Something I totally can drink hot coca to. Traditional carol -- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen because of the rhythm.

3. What's the best holiday gift you were ever given and why?

No clue. I'm not really all about the presents. I just really enjoy being with my family and friends. I can't think of anything at all.

4. Do you have a special someone to kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year's?

Hells yeah! My hottie husband! And it'll be his birthday kiss too!

5. Name your favorite reindeer?

I'd have to say Blitzen just for the name.

6. Favorite holiday food?

My sister in law Karrie's chocolate eclair cake. It's exactly what you think it is.

7. Snow day -- cuddle by the fire or hand me a snowball?

Cuddle by the fire. But I'd also like to go sledding or build a snow fort.

8. What was your New Year's resolution from this year?

To not make any resolutions.

Did you stick to it?

To say yes would mean that I made a resolution. But to say no means that I made a resolution. It's a Zen sort of thing.

9. Is there really a Santa Claus?

Yes, but it's a primitive monkey that enslaved Martians to build toys that primitive ape men didn't appreciate. And for some reason, Glen Danzig's also part of the picture.

10. Present or stocking stuffer?

Presents! I never had a stocking.

Anyways, Merry Ranmachrismuhkwanskuh! Hope ya'll have a good time with family and friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Danzig?? I had to read this twice just to believe you included Danzig...