Monday, December 26, 2005

New features

Just stopping by real quick (Sleep deprived and I really should go to bed. Will offer Christmas news later.) to pimp a couple of things:

Go check out Present Tense;

And I've just added some random quotes on the blog. It's not quite perfect. I'd like to do an attribution, but the template I pilfered didn't have that feature. I'm probably going to keep tweaking it, but I wanted to get a prototype up and running.

Edited to add: Big props to Alan who offered the little javascript function to help me get some quotes and attributes up and running. Thanks Alan!


Alan De Smet said...

Glancing at how quotes are implemented, you should be able to just stuff HTML into the quote itself. So just add

<br><i> - Attribution</i>

to your quotes and you should be good to go.

Alan De Smet said...

If you can insert arbitrary stuff into your template, most of your more geeky friends (anyone who knows Javascript) can help write a better solution. Indeed, I could do so.

Anonymous said...

Cool! I'm glad Alan had a solution. It looks great!