Tuesday, December 20, 2005

So I says to Lucifer....

"What the fuck are you doing in the cold oh dark lord?"

Or was I talking to Bill O'Reilly? Some days I can't remember.

For people who don't watch Fox News or read Madison media, the pundit o' fun referred to Madison as Satanic during his campaign to revive Christmas (or some stupid shit like that. With all the Christmas carols, lights, trees, snow, presents and other stuff, it's hard to tell what season we're in) during a Dec. 13 show:

O'REILLY: Now, this is a conservative city, Richmond. I mean, this is not Madison, Wisconsin, where you expect those people to be communing with Satan up there in the Madison, Wisconsin, media.

Frankly, the whole "War Against Christmas" thing to me is a bunch of bullshit. Drive around town. Go check out Olin Park and the Holiday Fantasy in Lights. Pretty much everyone I know has a Christmas tree up and is stressing from getting last minute presents. Either that or we're looking forward to seeing family and friends.

I'd also argue that Madisonians have been pretty kind and charitable this year with giving to various charities such as the Salvation Army, United Way and the Red Cross. Hell, I volunteered as a bell ringer, which was a lot of fun. Just because we don't exactly fit into O'Reilly's narrow view of Christmas doesn't mean shit.

I also haven't seen the city's churches be reduced to smoking rubble (well, there was that one church downtown sadly, but the guy's in an asylum now for that) or good religious folk running screaming from the city.

Henry Rollins once remarked that he watches Fox News not for information, but because it's funny as hell. I believe the man's onto something for cheap entertainment.

1 comment:

QuietlyGoingMad said...

That Henry, he's a smart man. And this is the second mention of him today--a friend in Aussie is going to see him do his spoken word stuff at a festival there. Completely off point-but it's CHRISTMAS and I can be tangential!