Saturday, December 17, 2005

I must be messed up

Is it wrong that I consider Secretary a date movie? Even though most people would consider this handbook for sexual harassment in the work place? Even though both James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhall are kooky as hell? Even though I also feel sorry for Jeremey Davies character? Even though there's enough BDSM to creep out most folks?

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised really, after all I would also call True Romance a date movie too.


K. said...

nope, it's a sexy movie. and there is a weird, underlying tenderness. I think if you said, like "The Devil's Rejects" is a good date movie, then I'd be worried.

QuietlyGoingMad said...

True Romance is DEFINITELY a date movie! . As is Wild at Heart and Natural Born Killers--after all, in the end, it's about love.

Amanda said...

I actually love "Secretary", which resulted in a short-lived but unfortunate crush on James Spader.

I know.

Anonymous said...

If you can see past James Spader, it is technically a romance at the core. And plus, you can figure out your date by their reaction.

Anonymous said...

"True Romance *is* a date movie. I have used it on several dates :)