Saturday, September 10, 2005

I should be in bed...

But I can't stop posting shit! It's the weekend (and time for me to be verbose). Anyways, last Wednesday, I asked people to post questions and some kind folks did. So I'm going to post my answers to them (I think I'll do it in installments because I'm just such a chatty person):

Michael asked:
1) What was the best gaming experience you've ever had and why?
I'd have to say Alan's Deadlands games. The system is just a lot of fun -- skill based, so you can create any type of character you want, instead of going with classes. I love complicated stuff so the poker chips, dice, cards and other random stuff was a nice change. Not to mention the group -- Jamie, Mark, Erich, Christy, Jeff and I -- was a group that worked well together as a gaming group.

When I do the dreaded "Let me talk about my character" stories, it's usually from those games. I loved my characters -- Chen, the huckster that played mah jongg with demons to get spells, Lucy, the girly gunslinger and even Esmerelda (was that her name?), who would've been a pretty cool Wild West bond girl.

2.) What was the worst gaming experience you've ever had and why?
At Gen Con, it was the open and Jeff and I made it to the semi-finals. The GM we had was a guy who basically did a total party kill on us, because he interpreted me saying, "I read the plaque," to "I read the plaque OUT LOUD." That lead to the party getting feared and we all got killed in the first room as a result of that.

Years later, we'd tell people about the experience and their faces would contort in pain, "OH HIM," they'd say. "Yeah, he's shite."

Another one this year's Gen Con was the Heavy Gear game (I think that was the name) that Jeff and I played. The GM didn't know what he was doing, our party was originally split into two groups and it was just boring as hell to be at. I thought about faking a head injury to leave the game, but didn't.

3.) Why do you shorten your name to "Viv"? Is there a story there, or that's just what folks called you?

It's more of what people call me and I don't mind it at all. Other nicknames I've had in the past include Vi and Vivi (only my grandma can call me that). I'm so used to it now that I find it weird when people address me by my full name. It's like they're being formal or something.

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