Saturday, September 10, 2005

You asked, so I answered!

Continuing on the past post (see below), but these questions are from my good buddy and partner in crime Keidra:

1.) Where's the best sushi you've ever had?
I'd have to say Cafe Blossom in Chicago (and not just because of the company). The rolls are creative (love the mango roll) and I also have to give props to any restaurant that uses Cowboy Bebop scrolls for decorations.

2.) If Bono became a fundamentalist Christian right-winger would you still like U2?
I don't think so. While Bono's willing to have lunch with the devil to further his causes, he's not one of them. It's straddling a thin line, but he does it pretty damn well (it's something that I've noticed that I do in my life also). The stances he's taken on the War in Iraq (against), Third World Debt and fair trade fly in the face of typical fundamentalist right-wingers, who are a mutant spawn of capitalism, hypocrisy and a smug belief that they're the ones that will go to heaven before the rest of us stinking infidels.

The thing is that while Bono's a religious man, the songs don't convey that sense of "Haha. I'm going to heaven and you're not." Many times they're filled with confusion, longing and doubt. That's something that I've always liked about U2's songs. It's very human. To become a fundie would change the music greatly lyrically because of the change in Bono's personality. It'd literally be like Creed then. And that would make me sad.

3.) Have you ever punched someone in the face?

I can't say that I have. The last fight I was in was in eighth grade and I just slapped the girl and clawed her with my nails. She started it. It was a stupid joke about how if you're hand's bigger than your face, you've got cancer. I didn't believe her and held my hand up to my face. She then slapped my hand up so I basically hit myself.

She had been pissing me off for awhile by doing stupid "mean girl" shit, so I snapped and slapped her across the face. Not a girly slap, but a bear slap with my arm. She fled from the middle school gym as I was screaming, "COME ON BITCH! YOU WANTED THIS SO LET'S GO!" and people were holding me back trying to calm me down.

The funniest thing is that the next day, my gym teacher lectured me, "Why didn't you come to me when this happened?"

My only response was, "You didn't hear me yelling, 'COME ON BITCH!'?"

I served detention. It was so totally worth it.

I learned how to throw a punch when I was in high school. My sister taught me. When I met Jeff, he helped me refine my technique a bit. It's something that I like knowing, but I also hope I never have to do it.

1 comment:

K. said...

That was lovely. Thank you.