Thursday, June 09, 2005

I'm now convinced this week is trying to kill me

Brief recap of this week:

Monday -- In a fit of PMS-induced efficiency, I do three loads of laundry. I also manage to wash my cell phone (which was tricked out just the way I liked it) in the process.

Tuesday -- 12 hour day at work. 'Nuff said. The phone is still dead.

Wednesday -- I replace my cell phone and pay full price. I spend most of the day thinking that I'm a dumbass for not checking my pockets and washing the damn phone in the first place.

Thursday -- Emergency shit at work and other assorted drama that will translate into havoc later this summer. I get home at 9:45 p.m. I also recharge my car's air conditioner, which the mechanic couldn't find the leak in. Cell phone is working and I'm in the process of getting my address book together. In the meantime, I forget how to call people because I don't have their phone numbers.

I'm scared to see what Friday will bring. Hopefully this weekend won't suck since I'm off to see Keidra and meet fellow blogging fool, Sid for the first time. There better be drinky-drinks dammit. I really, really need a martini the size of my bathtub right now.

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