Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Motherfucking hell. I can't believe she's a journalist. Between watching MTV, Sex and the City on TBS and VH1, I caught this Primetime Live special with Brad Pitt going to Africa to shine a celebrity light on what's going on over there.

Of course they went for the easy emotional jabs between questions to Brad about Angelina Jolie, his divorce and other bullshit like that. I do have to give the man props for evading her questions. Unlike a lot of people, I don't give a fuck and it's none of my damn business what happens in his life. I just don't want him to do a wannabe Brit accent again like he did in Troy.

If they wanted to focus on Africa and the situation there, I wish that they featured more of the economist that was on (didn't catch his name between the channel flipping) and the hard facts that he offered. Frankly, I get squicked out and pissed off with obvious emotional manipulation, and I know a lot of other people who do. While it's boring to have the facts, I like them. I'm a policy wonk that way.

Part of me felt like it was a strange version of the "noble savage" stereotype. It's like, "Yes, this country is fucked up, and yes times are hard, but aren't these people brave, noble and beautiful? Don't you want to help them with our fancy civilization, high tech gear and money?"

Yeah, I'm a cynical bastard -- I can't help it. But I think that a lot of us are numb to the emotional appeal. That doesn't stick with us. Now appealing to my mercenary, selfish and pragmatic side -- that will get your ass somewhere. I kind of wish that Primetime Live did that instead.

1 comment:

K. said...

I dunno, considering that most of the time people ignore Africa exists, I figure any publicity could be better than none, but I see your point.