Monday, December 19, 2005


Guess who's favorite egomaniac was named Time's person of the year? While I'm not the biggest fan of Microsoft's products or even Gates' business practices, I gotta give the man and his wife props for their philanthropy work. But yeah, guess what magazine I'm going to try and pick up this weekend.

I'm such as dork.


K. said...


Yeah, I saw your boy was on the cover of Time the otherday. Why won't he take the damn glasses off, though?

Viv said...

Fuck if I know. I swear, I'm going to sound like a mom and start hollering at him if I ever meet him. What I love about the video for their new single is that he actually takes the damned glasses off. That and Edge looks really freakin' good. Lord help me. The power of the geek is too strong for me.

K. said...

Are you online?

QuietlyGoingMad said...

The power of the geek? Oh, that is just too damn perfect!