Friday, December 02, 2005

The cold that won't die

For some reason, this is the year of the day-long cold for me. Instead of being knocked flat on my back with the dreaded post-nasal drip, stuffy head and desire to sleep 24-hours, I'm having the same thing, but only for a day or two.

Realistically, I should be thanking my stars because it's only a day or two instead of a week, but it's just weird. I think it's because I'm not sure if the cold's done or if it's just hanging out somewhere else (maybe my big toe?) until it's ready to come back.

In either case, it's blowing ass. I'm seriously thinking about putting myself into a NyQuil induced coma until whatever the hell this is passes away. I'm doing the usual sick things of being camped out on the couch, watching shitty TV and chugging hot tea and Theraflu to clear my sinuses. Oh, and I've been higher than a kite on my own cocktail of Sudafed (pre-state ban) and NyQuil.

It's fun being pumped full of cold meds. It feels like I'm moving underwater and my speaking skills get even worse -- I sound like Sylvester the Cat because my mouth is so dry. Not to mention, my id gets more vicious and silly. I spent most of the day at work today trying to keep from calling everyone "unicorn humpers" -- I blame Zonk for teaching me that phrase -- or hollering out "WHAZZUP BITCHES!" whenever I answered the phone.


K. said...

Oh NOES! I hope you're feeling better.

QuietlyGoingMad said...

ZICAM! I swear to gawd this is a miracle homeopathic. I prefer the nose swabs, but there are pills, chewables, liquid...oh and daily doses of Emergen-C.

Sudafed is banned completely?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing that will take care of a cold better than the green death NyQuil. It tastes gross, but only for the 42 seconds that you stay awake.

"Unicorn humpers" has now joined "krunk juice" on my list of phrases that I'd like to use but have no clue how to.

Viv said...

QGM: Pure pseudophedrine is now harder to get in Wisconsin because meth labs are spreading around here. To get it you have to go to the pharmacist and they take your personal information. I understand that really because I even know the recipe for meth (and if I know it, it's gotta be easy to make). What I don't like is how I'm taking a bunch of stuff for symptoms that I don't have. And no matter what, Sudafed makes me loopy. I hate drugs.