Saturday, August 27, 2005

Which is more accurate?

So on Keidra's blog, she had the a quiz that said where you should live based on personality type. I was a bit annoyed by it when I got these results:

SLUAI (Social, Limbic, Unstructured, Accommodating and Inquisitive):

easily confused, often late, rarely prepared, passionate about better the world's condition, easily distracted, wild and crazy, longs for a stabilizing relationship, prone to addiction, often rushed, show off, prone to worry, frequently loses things, does not accomplish work on time, acts without thinking, not good at sports, easily hurt, scatter-brained, very curious, spontaneous, not too hard working, aware of how the color and lighting of a room affects their mood, believes in a supernatural source of peace and love, can be talked into doing silly things, unpredictable, asks many questions, interested in others, upset by the misfortunes of strangers, believes in the importance of art, prefers have many different interests to just one, does not often know why they do things, moody, likes to be the center of attention, swayed by emotions, focuses on fantasies more than reality, acts without planning, becomes overwhelmed by events, able to disregard the rules, not good at saving money, eager to sooth hurt feelings, afraid of doing the wrong thing, can become aggressive when they feel hurt

This sounds like me about two or so years ago or in high school. If you know me, I've NEVER been late to anything -- if anything, I'm like 15 minutes early which aggravates some people. Believes in supernatural source of peace and love? Do I look like a filthy hippie? I'm known at work for finishing my work on time (if not early). Maybe I was PMSing when I took the quiz.

I took a similar quiz on another Web site that had some better questions (which were easier for me to go agree/disagree) and got these results:

SCOAI (Social, Calm, Organized, Accommodating and Inquisitive):
happy, level emotions, not easily discouraged, optimistic, fearless, self confident, non-hostile, trusting, rarely sad, social, content, positive, knows where life is going, socially skilled, not quiet around strangers, acts comfortably with others, takes on responsibilities, likes public speaking, not prone to worrying, not apprehensive about new encounters, flexible, adapts easily to new situations, not afraid to draw attention to self, likes to lead, not bored while working, likes others, hard to annoy, calm in crisis, does not second guess self, not embarrassed easily, high energy level, easy to understand, thinks before acting, strong sense or purpose, likes crowds, interested in science, not prone to jealousy, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, fearless, not skeptical, true to self in all circumstances, highly motivated to succeed, decisive, easy to get to know, narcissistic, driven by reason, physically fit, passionate about bettering the world's condition, finishes most things they start, not easily confused, willing to explain things twice, thinks they are extraordinary

This sounds more like me now. Except about the physically fit part.


K. said...

I took the other test and got a similar result: RCOAI instead of RCUAI. I dunno. I think that there are things that ring true for me about both descriptions, things that don't describe me in either, and elements of my personality that change, depending on my mood and the situation:

not relationship obsessed, withdrawn, risk averse, not wild and crazy, toned down, thinks before acting, fearless, peaceful, does not like to be the center of attention, quiet, relaxed, level emotions, averse to crowds, unadventurous, punctual, non-aggressive, interested in science, patient, not easily deterred, loner, good at saving money, private, values solitude, avoids unnecessary interaction, not spontaneous, avoids small talk, positive, not overly expressive of emotions, lower energy level, calm in crisis, always knows why they do things, theistic tendencies, non-antagonistic, predictable, analytical, optimistic, not prone to jealousy, not prone to addiction, not preoccupied with appearance, unswayed by emotions, deeply moved by the misfortunes of others, usually happy, influenced more by self than others, true to themself in all circumstances, modest, finishes most things they start, always prepared, competent, focused, more responsible than pleasure seeking, socially unskilled, realistic, planner, not physically affectionate with most people, self confident

Personally, I like the MBTI personality asessments a lot better because it separates behavior patterns from personlity traits and acknowledges the fluidity of a person's personality.

Viv said...

What I find interesting is how if you're Organized/Unstructured or Limbic/Calm, it's a big difference between good descriptions and bad. I guess I don't seeing emotions being bad or being unstructured as being bad, but these quizzes make it seem like you're a step away from insanity if you're emotional or unstructured.

I also like MBTI more for the same reasons.