Thursday, August 04, 2005

Common -- the Alan Alda of Rappers

Cruising around MTV, I've seen Common's new video for Go, which is supposed to be of his various sexual fantasies with different women. After watching that video, I'm now convinced that Common is among the bottom 10 men that could turn me on.

The man's so damn earnest and respectful. Frankly, I see sex with him as boring as hell. Nothing nasty, dirty or interesting -- cowgirl style (because it's empowering for the woman, yo) in the bedroom as the lights were turned down low or a billion tea candles were lit. There'd be tasteful music (such as Sade) and he'd be all respectful, kissing gently and asking if the girl was alright. After doing his part to make sure she'd come first, he'd then finish up. There would be deep discussions and cuddling afterward.

Cripes. I just fell asleep thinking about it.

I'm not saying that I want sex to resemble a 50 Cent video (because that's just icky), but that's just a bit too earnest, ya know what I mean?


K. said...

OMG Word! And that's an insult to Alan Alda,who can be hard core when the need arises. Common is a bit too PC for his own good. I know he's all "concious" and shit, but damn, it's like watching the pastor of my old church trying to rap.

K. said...

And I just saw the video. Or like, half of it. Then I turned it off in favor of watching Alex Kapranos lick an envelope.

Much better...