Sunday, June 05, 2005


Normally, I'm the last person you'd see at a chick flick, but I did catch Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with Kat and Katie today and I have to say that it wasn't bad at all.

Maybe it's because the movie wasn't completely about romance, finding oneself in a foreign country or abusive husbands. It's kinda like Joy Luck Club (a chick-flick I do adore the hell out of), with four distinct characters and four distinct stories.

I think my favorite story was Carmen's and the fact that her father is remarrying another woman (and frankly, the moron could've handled breaking the news to his daughter in a better manner). For me (and really, you should check the movie out for the scenes), it was interesting seeing that her dad divorced her Puerto Rican mother and hooked up with what is basically a blond, Barbie family.

One of the more compelling scenes for me was the future stepmom waking Carmen up saying that the maid wanted to wash the sheets. "I tried to tell her to leave you alone, but she doesn't speak English well," says the stepmom as the Hispanic maid is in the room. I think it also helped that America Ferrera had a fantastic performance in the movie.

After seeing Sisterhood, we rented Troy. It's amazing -- for all the man-flesh in miniskirts, it's a fucking boring movie. Even my poor Playstation hated it and started editing scenes for us. We stopped watching the movie halfway through after realizing that the Playstation was literally eating scenes. We'll finish it up tomorrow -- we almost have to. I mean, we're halfway through it and might as well soldier through -- even though part of me is bored out of my mind with the movie.

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