Monday, May 02, 2005

Happy Birthday Baby Girl 2!

Just got word today that my bro-in-law and his wife have just had their second baby! A baby girl (name to be decided later). So to commemorate the birth of Baby Girl 2: Electric Boogaloo, I thought I'd continue in the tradition of highlight historical events:

The Loch Ness Monster was first sighted in 1939!
J. Edgar Hoover and his cross-dressin' ass dies, leaving the FBI without a leader.
Joseph McCarthy, Wisconsin Senator and Red Scare weenie, dies in 1957.

I'm looking forward to seeing the wee one. I do believe I'll be buying lots of pressies for her. As an aunt, it's my job to spoil kids rotten.


Amanda said...

"Electric Bugaloo!" BAH!

K. said...

Heh! Will she be named "Baby Girl 2" for much longer?