Monday, May 02, 2005

Gacking memes

While surfing around tonight, I found this meme, courtesy of some guy named Brandon (the link was off of Sid's blog). This one interested me, so I yoinked it:

You are stuck inside Fahrenheit 451 (where books must be memorized, since they are burned). Which book would you be?

Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk. I'm dark and funny at the same time, much like this book. There was too many times where I was laughing and thinking, "That ain't right."

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

Tough call. I tend to start crushing hardcore on fictional characters. The biggest crushes are Alobar from Jitterbug Perfume, Biff from Lamb and Sam Vimes from the Discworld series. Alobar because he's got a good sense of humor, is a sex fiend and is immortal. Biff because he's funny as hell. Vimes because of his sense of loyalty mixed with the "bad cop" aspect.

What is the last book you bought?
I went on a buying spree (prepping for a trip to China) so it was Discworld's Feet of Clay, The Light Fantastic, Sourcery and The Lost Continent as well as Lamb and Population 485.

What are you currently reading?
Population 485. It's a good, honest look at living in a small town that doesn't seem to look down on people, but it's got an outsider's perspective I appreciate. I'm also reading U2 at the End of the World to satisfy my U2 cravings.

Five books for your desert island cruise package.
These may appear deeper than what I am, but I'm working on the theory that I'll actually have time to read them instead of putting them off like I normally do.
Sophie's World
The Prince by Machiavelli
Something by David Sedaris or Sarah Vowell
Jitterbug Perfume
Deadlands leatherbound guide (so I can learn the rules and run my own damn Deadlands game)

Who are you going to pass this book meme baton to and why? (only three people).
Keidra! Because she's got different, but still cool, tastes.
Kat! She's always got interesting sci-fi and fantasy books.
Katie! The girl knows her children's lit. Which is good stuff for adults too!

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