Wednesday, June 20, 2007

T-minus nine hours to C-Section time!

The laundry is done, the crib assembled, the Pack 'n Play is set up and the diapers are put away. Tomorrow at 5:45 a.m. Jeff and I head to the hospital to check in for the C-section.

So yeah, she didn't flip at all. Not that I really expected her to in a way. I'm at peace with the idea that this is going to be a C-section. Like I said before, as long as she's happy and healthy (and secondary, I'm fine in the aftermath) I'll be fine.

Admittedly as each hour passes and we get closer to surgery, I'm getting more nervous. Not in a bad way. Not in the "OMG! I can't do this! I'm leaving for Vegas!" way, but more like "Whoa. This is getting real. Fast." Part of me is coping by not talking about the baby in some way for a few minutes.

Jeff and I went out for dinner tonight and talked a lot about the baby until there was silence. And then I finally broke the silence.

"My the weather's been hot." The perfect line for SOMEONE YOU DON'T KNOW!

So yeah, I'm nervous, but I'm also trying to be cool. I figure I might have a minor freakout at the hospital, but everything should be fine I hope. Next time you hear from me, I'll probably be sleep deprived and covered in spit-up.

Wish me luck peeps. I'm off to Parentland.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck!

You're gonna do great!


SiddityintheCity said...

What Jennifer said!

QuietlyGoingMad said...

You'll do will Jeff and the baby. That's just how it's going to be 'cuz I said so!

K. said...

I am just nervously waiting by the phone for the news...