Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm so not ready for this

One problem with having a job that has a lot of night hours is that you don't have a lot of time to get your personal life in order. And that's pretty much essential when you've got to put a nursery together. Especially when your baby may show up a week earlier than you anticipated.

Long story short -- we don't know if the shorty's breech or not, so a C-section has been scheduled for June 21 -- a little more than a week away. Most doctors don't have breech birth experience (because approximately four percent of all births are breech) and there's a bigger movement to have all breech births go to C-section because of the potential risk for the baby outweighs the C-section risks. If she decides to flip on June 21, then there's no C-section.

Anyways, we still need to get a lot of stuff done. I haven't put away diapers, washed clothes or even packed the bag needed for when we go to the hospital. Our house isn't clean. My nights have been filled with work and baby classes, so I haven't had time to really do anything for the kid.

And let's not talk about the weekends. They've been packed with stuff too -- last weekend was fun seeing my sister, her family, Mom and even my cousin Alicia. Next weekend is Jeff's brother's wedding. Then there's a baby.

I need a fairy godmother. Anyone got one they can loan me?


Amanda said...

My fairygodmother is out drinking with my muse. She's always out drinking with my muse. They've been banned at half the pubs in Sunnyside already.

Keep your chin up. No matter how unprepared you may feel I know you are going to be an awesome mom.

K. said...

My Fairy Godmother was laid off about three years ago, but I can see if she works temp.

Seriously. Ditto what Amanda says. You'll be a great parent. And echoing previous e-mails. I think it's natural, feeling unprepared, but the shorty will have what she needs most - her mom and dad's love!

Anonymous said...

You guys'll be fine!

And heck, why clean the house now? Once she comes, you won't have time to do it anyway. In fact, you're ahead of the curve! ;-)


Anonymous said...

I personify a newspaper as a screaming, demanding child. No wonder you're frazzled trying to manage both.

Anonymous said...

You are going to be a great parent (as will Jeff)

On a more personal note, my sis C was breech, but she flipped to that position at the last minute. Unexpected for my mom and the doctor!

And then when C was pregnant, A was breech too -- the docs tried to flip him for weeks including an external cephalic version, but it didn't work, so she had a planned C-section.

SiddityintheCity said...

You're gonna do great, lady.

And if you and the hub want a free afternoon in the city, give us a buzz.

I say I'm allergic to the little ones, but I'm an ex-professional, you know.

Eva said...

Hon, seriously, when was the last time you had a fully clean house? (I know I haven't for at least a year...) You're just prepping the little one for it's natural environment. ;P

Good luck! I'll have my fingers crossed that you won't end up getting stuck with a C-section and either way I'll be cheering for you! *hugs*