Saturday, November 12, 2005

Perhaps one of the geekiest questions ever

After playing World of Warcraft, I just had a completely random thought. The main mode of transportation is Griffons and Hippogriffs, which are similar to low-flying aircraft. You ride one from place to place like a horse, except that you're flying.

Here's the thing -- how does one stay on those animals? There's no saddles or seatbelts. Some of the angles that the animals would cause people to fall off. But when you ride a Griffon or Hippogriff, it's always safe, fast and the scenery is great.

So how does one stay on? My theory right now is that the fur/feathers are similar to velcro and will adhere you to their backs for a safe journey. Any other ideas would also entertain me right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They stick post-it glue to the character's butts before they climb aboard. That way, they are glued to the griffon or hippogriff but can still get off at the end.

Either that or staples. But I like the post-it glue better.