Saturday, January 01, 2005

Another year gone by

It's weird to see how fast a year's gone by. The funny thing is that I don't think a lot has happened. Wait. No. That's a lie. A lot has happened, but to other people instead of me. Not that it's a bad thing -- much of it has been good and I've been thrilled to bits to witness what's been going on. And I tend not to think about what I've done -- I just float on.

The good news: I became an Aunt for the first time. And I'm going to be an aunt two more times in 2005. One of my closest friends became a mom for the first time. Keidra got a new job and a brand new apartment that rocks hardcore. We were able to help out Christy by letting her live with us (and admittedly, I'm a little sad to see her move out today. She was a great roomie). I met Eva and became friends with her, Katie and Kathleen (always good to have some friends with estrogen around). Jeff's good buddy Mike came back to Wisconsin with his wife Emilie. Dan's heading to Yale for a post-doc. We all remained happy (relatively), healthy and not too insane.

The bad news: Well, it's all over the front pages, so I won't dwell on that. We see enough of that shit anyways.

New Year's Resolutions: There's a couple: Get into shape (one that I make informally every year and never stick to) and start writing more creatively. I've got a bunch of ideas kicking around in my head that I need to tend to before it becomes full-blown multiple personality disorder. Just kidding on the last part. I think.

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