Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Why you'll never hear me talk about work...

Except in generalities.

A Marquette dental student was suspended for his blog and some of his posts that described a professor as "a (expletive) of a teacher" and another that described 20 classmates as having the "intellectual/maturity of a 3-year-old."

People, I'd like to say the following. No matter how private the Internet feels, no matter how much it feels like it's you and your keyboard alone in the universe, there's a chance that people will read your shit.

Now it's a bit harsh that the student got suspended for posting his thoughts about a class, when Marquette could just brush it off as the usual bitching that happens with students. But no matter what, it just drives home the point to me that the Internet isn't as private as we think it is. And no matter what, once a post has been made, it's up there for good. It's like getting pee out of a pool.

1 comment:

QuietlyGoingMad said...

Hell, the internet's not private at all..but, I would think this guy would have a serious lawsuit under the First Amendment.