Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Coming up for air for a brief moment

Resurfacing for a moment (so freaking tired right now. Work. Kicking. My. ASS.) to let ya'll know that the Muse is now on the couch watching Sex and the City and icing my brain with Smirnoff Twists. I'm also bored right now and feeling very, very tired, so I'm gacking an idea from Sid for a meme.

Yo peeps, ask me three questions and I'll answer them.

Off to continue icing my brain.


K. said...

1.) Where's the best sushi you've ever had?

2.) If Bono became a fundamentalist Christian right-winger would you still like U2?

3.) Have you ever punched someone in the face?

Sid said...

1. Poetry or prose?

2. Would you consider being a richly kept woman if it meant you could never work again, at anything, even if you wanted to?

3. When you make #2, do you look before you flush? Feel free not to answer that one.