Monday, August 29, 2005

We've gone from ironic to straight-up stupid

So I was trolling around Sid's blog today, when I stumbled on the article about the Kill Whitey parties. And it got me thinking about the whole hipster ironic detachment thing and I've figured out something:

We need to have "Embrace the Whiteness" parties. Only minorities would be allowed and we'd listen to music like Celine Dion, Shania Twain, Michael Bolton and Dixie Chicks. We'd sit around and drink MGDs (on tap) while talking about our life in suburbia. Catch phrases would be stuff like "You know I'm not racist but ...","I maximized my 401k this year!" or even "I'm so busy lately that I had to cancel my nail appointment. Seirra's got flute lessons, soccer, ballet and her Spanish tutor this week."

We'd dress up in T-shirts that say, "This isn't a bald spot -- it's a solar panel for a sex machine!" and shorts that don't fit quite right. Or bright floral print tops and somber skirts that flatter every figure.

Hell, we can take this to the next step -- Let's have an "Embrace the Whiteness" party where we celebrate frat boy culture and hipster culture that hosts the "Kill Whitey" parties. We'd wear trucker caps and American Eagle Outfitters or Abercrombie and Fitch gear. We'd do the same hollering about killing whitey and the same booty dances, but in an exaggerated fashion with the same white boy biting-the-upper-lip-cuz-I'm-concentrating-really-hard-on-the-beat face.

Then when a hipster gets pissed at us, we can say, "What? Dude, you're just not getting the irony."


K. said...

I vote for just putting an end to this ironic hipster bullshit, period. We're at the point now where people use "ironic" humor to deflect from the fact that they don't give a shit about anything.

It's tiresome.

QuietlyGoingMad said...

I think they use 'ironic' humor because they seriously don't have a clue what irony is in the first place.