Thursday, August 25, 2005

Um yeah....

So I think I promised to do something coherent about Gen Con, but frankly, work and reality continues to get more and more weird and nutty. I've been taking refuge in World of Warcraft with Jeff and his friend Mike. But I suppose I owe at least an abbreviated list of things that I thought were cool at Gen Con:

1. Men in Kilts. The good folks at Utilikilts were at Gen Con hooking many men up with kilts with pockets. I managed to snag one for myself (it's got pockets dammit! Pockets big enough to fit small children in!). Jeff's getting one for his birthday I believe.

Funniest moment was when I was trying on a 50-inch mini-kilt (yes, it's what you think it is). It was too big, but it was entertaining to hear the vendors:

"And you said this wouldn't sell," said one guy.

"No, I said I hoped we WOULDN'T sell it," his coworker responded.

The kilts are quite comfy and nice. I'll probably wear mine to work also.

2. Call of Cuthulu isn't exactly a good game for me. The Gamemaster ran it wonderfully, but it definitely pushed buttons with me. I might play it again -- but I'll make sure to follow up with something silly and cute.

3. True Dungeon continues to rock. Even though a $5 soda in the Tavern is a rip-off. I met a really cool person in out trek. Her name was Gabriella and she was from Brazil. "I'm a gamer!" she said, "I had to come to Gen Con once in my life!"

"Ah," I replied sagaciously. "Yes, it's Mecca for many."

4. Twenty hours of gaming is a bad idea. On Saturday, I played a variety of games from 8-2 a.m., with a one hour break for dinner. Brain. Pudding. Yikes.

5. Many, many, many props to Brian for putting up with 14 people and getting us down to Indianapolis safely. It was probably like herding a bunch of smartass, surly cats, but going to Indy alone probably wouldn't have been as much fun. Also thanks to Michael and Katie for driving Jeff and I down there.

That's pretty much it. Can't wait for next year's nerding out.

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