Sunday, August 14, 2005

Congratulations Michael and Katie!

There was a reason why Jeff and I couldn't go to Gigantour with Keidra and Christina (glad to hear you guys didn't get arrested!) -- Michael (aka Zonk) and Katie got married this Saturday at Olbrich Gardens. Despite the threat of rain (and a steady shower from about noon to 3 p.m.), the heavens opened up and it was a lovely, sunny, gorgeous wedding in a beautiful garden.

As personal attendant of the bride, I knew that this weekend would be the go time -- I'd be running around, keeping things straight, beating caterers to a pulp for an improperly chilled Chardonnay, etc. Thankfully, Katie was and easy-going, relaxed bride. But I think it's that she realized that it's not the day that's everything, it's the day after that matters.

The entire bridal party looked fabulous. I, however, looked like my boobs were attempting to flee my body ("MUST! ESCAPE! THIS! OPPRESSION! OF! THE! SUPERBRA!"). It's funny. When I tried on the purple dress at Vive La Femme, I thought I looked hot and fierce (and it helped having friends and the store clerk tell me the same thing). But when you're home -- without the "That's! So! HAWT!" chorus behind you -- that fierce dress feels weird and looks weird.

Thankfully, I forgot about that pretty damned quickly thanks to Kat and Eva making modifications to the dress to make me feel less like Tits-a-palooza. Not to mention, the free wine helped a bit -- and the techno version of Cotton Eye Joe.

But enough about my tits, back to the wedding.

I gotta say, it's nice to see couples getting married where you're cheering them on -- as opposed to taking bets in the back room about how long the marriage will last or telling the bride/groom "Are you sure about this?" before the wedding.

I think that Katie said it best when she wasn't nervous because she knew that this was coming for a long, long time. That's probably one key. I mean, if people don't know that it's going to work, you'd think that they'd realize it during the YEARS of dating -- not months.

They also make sense together in a way -- they're both fun to be around and they just seem to click. It's not the couple where you look at the other person and have to say, "Obviously, I'm missing something." Always a good sign.

Anyways, congratulations you two. I'm not sentimental enough to offer blessings and stuff like that, but I'd like to wish that you two keep your sense of humor through the good and the bad. When you stop laughing, that's when trouble begins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything Viv! You were so wonderful! My mom would have panicked much more if you hadn't been there. And as it was, I have no idea what happened to make everything be where it should have been and go the way it should have, and I really don't feel like I missed anything or should worry about it. Everyone kept asking me "you were so calm and collected, how did you do that? Was it your acting coming through?" And I could honestly say that it wasn't, I just had nothing to worry about! You were a big part of that. And Jenn was a big part of that. Without the two of you and my wonderful bridesmaids, groomsmen and family I probably would have been more frazled because everyond would have been expecting me to know what was going on and stuff. As it was, I didn't even care what was going on because I knew it would be perfect! Thank you so much for everything! It meant so much! It was great and Michael and I are so very very happy!