Thursday, May 05, 2005


So gimmie dem U2 tickets!

*ahem* Sorry about that. I was about to say that to every single person in Chicago on Saturday as I attempted to get tickets to the U2 concert.

Fortunately my husband is a beautiful, sweet, generous and sexy man who got sick of his wife's whimpering and whining and got two tickets for her for her "birfday." Never mind the fact that it's coming up in a couple of weeks. Never mind the fact that I'm seeing U2 in September. I get to see them on their first leg of the Vertigo tour.

And I'm dragging Keidra with me *evil grin.* This should be a fun weekend.


Sid said...

Happy birfday?

I'm confused.

Enjoy the concerto! My friend is seeing them Sunday in, um, Milwaukee, I think.

Viv said...

My birfday isn't until May 18. But this is an early birthday present. And they're not coming to Milwaukee this tour. They'll be in Milwaukee in September. And I, Jeff and Keidra (as well as other people) are going too. I am a "dedicate" (aka insane) fan.

Sid said...

i was wrong on 2 counts. She's seeing them today, and I have no idea where, but she lives in MI and is seeing them wherever they are right now. She's a big U2 fiend, too, and is a member of their fanclub and managed to sneak into a soundcheck when she was 15 and sat 20 feet from Bono but didnae disturb him because she is such a big fan she didn't want to blow his moment. er eumthin' like that.

have fun!