Friday, May 20, 2005


As the world gets ready for the summer concert season to warm up, Good Morning America has been doing previews of the hottest tickets for this year. Naturally, the four boys from Ireland were previewed today (as well as tomorrow) and TiVo captured it for my necessary fangirl hit.

With no plans for tonight, I was ready to sit down and savor a good interview and some footage from the Vertigo tour. Yes, I know I went. But I was in the nosebleed seats busy trying to kill Keidra, so I couldn't drink in all the details.

Wow. What a shit interview with Diane Sawyer. Before I fast-forwarded myself to relieve the PAIN of asinine questions, I managed to figure out how the four guys would be pegged:

Bono will be Jesus and talk about third world debt, how rock and roll can save the world and what it's like being an egomaniac.

Edge will talk about music and playing guitar.

Larry will talk about his good looks and how he's managed to still look like he's in his 20s as opposed to Bono, who looks like someone who got dragged out of a barfight.

Adam will be scholarly and talk lightly about the decadent years when he drank like crazy, did drugs and nearly married that crazy bitch supermodel Naomi Campbell.

Hell, check out this comment about their interview:

"The Edge on lead guitar is a rock icon; bass player Adam Clayton beat the occupational hazard of substance abuse; and Larry Mullen Jr., the heartthrob, keeps the beat on drums.

They've seen each other through marriages and funerals, wild highs and the deepest lows. Today, most of the members of the band are graced with children of their own."

Yep, someone's been copying Vh1's Behind the Music format.

Yep. The questions were crap. The answers were crap. I wish they at least got someone from Rolling Stone or a REAL music journalist (like me!) to ask questions. I know that it's probably U2 101 for people who just know the songs, but shit man, it was a painful interview -- edited to death and nothing new or interesting.

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