Friday, April 15, 2005

What I learned while on Holiday: Beijing odds and ends

We were in Beijing for about two and a half days. In addition to visiting the previous topics, we also saw the Ming tombs, which house the royalty of the Ming dynasty (duh!). My favorite story from our guide was when a tomb was found, it was believed that a curse was released because a bunch of people in the village died after they looted the tomb. Serves ya right bitches. Don't be stealin' other people's stuff.

The area with the Ming tombs also has a bunch of statues. Legend says that if you're a bad person, the statues come alive and kill you.

Or something like that. I couldn't hear our guide very well and I obviously survived. Maybe I'm not as evil as I think I am.

We also visited the Temple of Heaven, which emperors went to each year to make offerings and communicate with the gods. Outside of the temple is a park, where senior citizens can be found exercising, dancing, playing cards and being more active that I ever will be.

The temple is known for its echo walls and stone that allows people to communicate via sound waves (I wish I could remember it all, but it's hard to explain). Unfortunately, with all the tourists at the temple, the echo wall and the echo stone don't really work. But it was fun to go up to the wall and scream, "HI" like a three year old.

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