Saturday, April 23, 2005

50 word fiction

Sid had this up on her blog, and I've decided to take the fifty word fiction challenge. We'll see how well it goes:

Number 1.
She always said she wouldn't be in this place. She always said she'd leave this town, take a car and head to New York, Chicago or some city that was bigger than here. But she met him and his brown eyes and sweet smile. How could she resist his spell?

Number 2
I was never scared of dragons. They always seemed friendly and sweet -- a bit warm because of the fire, but good companions to have around that were protective of me. But villagers thought different and killed all of my friends. Now I have no one. And I can't fly away.

Number 3
She touched her rotund belly lightly as her son kicked and squirmed inside of her. He often kicked her, punching her in the stomach and kidneys, demanding that she move around a little more. It was funny, she thought. If he was an adult, this would be an abusive relationship.


K. said...

I love the third that based on a true story, I wonder? *winks*

I put my failed attempt at the challenge at my other blog. I just can't do short.

Viv said...

Heh. I was inspired by my sister. The ultrasound pictures we saw looked like the little guy was punching her hard. She's also talked about sitting at work and he'll be punching and kicking and she'll get up, swearing at him.

Sid said...

yay, spread the 50 word! these were cool. I like the baby one, too. is it just me or is it harder to do happy 50 word thingums?