Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What? Me worry?

Right now I'm watching Shrub pontificate to the masses in his State of the Union address. Maybe it's because I'm cynical and an asshole, but I really don't take much stock in these sort of speeches. There's like justifying-your-existence reviews. There's a lot of "See! See what I can do! And I'll do this to make things better!"

Random thought: Dick Cheney looks like he's going to eat someone after the speech. It's seriously creepy.

Henry Rollins is right. The man (when they applauded him) had this strange look in his eyes that said "Golly gee! How the fuck did I keep this job?" What he's saying sounds good, but frankly, I'm a wonk. I want to know what the fuck the details of his plans are. Seriously. I could go out there right now and find people in support of puppies -- as long as I didn't tell them that my plan is to force EVERYONE to take a puppy in to avoid overpopulation of animal shelters.

Not that I would. Even I find that stupid, but you get my drift. It's easy to talk in broad terms without specifying what the hell you're doing.

Admittedly him talking about spreading freedom around the world made me snort -- this is the same guy who did wire taps without a warrant. And getting a warrant is pretty damn easy. I understand fear. I understand how in dark days we want a leader who makes us feel safe.

But for fuck's sake! Our country was created on a basis of freedom. Freedom means taking responsibility and risk.

The human cloning thing was also causing me to snort. I must be 13 and a full-blown geek. I mean, when I hear "human-animal hybrid" I keep thinking about the mythology behind Minotaurs, satyrs, etc.

As for his line about lessening oil dependence -- I'll believe it when I see it. And I don't mean just drilling at home. I mean real alternatives.

Let me put it this way -- if you love him or hate him, this didn't change your mind one bit.

1 comment:

QuietlyGoingMad said...

I didn't watch it--that level of hypocricy, idiocy and ignorance all rolled together would've made me hurl on my freshly mopped hardwood floors.